Drill Camp Registration Announcement

14 Jan


Wishing everyone a blessed new year! The Drill Planning Team is excited to bring news of our Drill Camp. As this is an enrichment camp to work towards Drill Basic Badge, it will be compulsory for all members (excluding Recruits 2024). The information for the camp would be as follows:

  • Camp fee: RM30.00/pax
    • Payment method: Online Banking ONLY

Our objective for this camp is to: 

  1. To close the drill standard between the old and new members.
  2. To polish members’ basics in Drill.
  3. To boost interest in Drill.


  1. Members unable to join at 4pm (due to school) will be encouraged to join at night instead. But do inform SSgt Lemuel Chan (016-347 4419) or Cpl Jamey Seow (012-222 4364)
  2. For Recruits 2024, there will be No Parade for Recruits on the 24th of Feb to accommodate Drill Camp.
  3. By planning the camp early on in the year allows members to pick up the drill standard early. Which will help the progress of the Drill Basic Badge and also better close the standard gap between the old and new members
  4. Members may wear a mask if they choose to, but it is not required since we will be conducting physical activities which will be easier to go through without one.
  5. Friday’s lunch and Saturday’s dinner will NOT be provided. 

If there are any questions feel free to contact:

  • SSgt Lemuel Chan (016-347 4419)
  • Cpl Jamey Seow (012-222 4364)
  • LCpl Ooi Guan Bin (016-218 4332)

In His Service,

Drill PICs