Swimming Test Sat 29/Feb/2020

23 Feb

Dear Seniors and Recruits,

We will be conducting the Swimming test as follows:

Date 29th February 2020, Saturday
Venue Pusat Akuatik Darul Ehsan, Shah Alam
[ Click here for the Google Map ]
Start Time 9:00 AM SHARP
Finish Time Maximum 11:00 AM; maybe earlier depending on the members
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Ensure that:

  • You are fit (healthy & able) to swim before attempting this badge.
  • You bring proper swimwear (no board shorts for male).
  • Bring RM 5 per person for the entrance fee.
  • You arrange your own transport to and from the venue. If you have any issues with transport, do inform earlier; and
  • You check the BB Handbook for the requirements.

If you are interested in joining or have further inquiries, please message SSgt Samantha (017-6331500) via Whatsapp, stating your name and the level (Basic/Advance/Both) you would like to attempt.

Thank you and have a blessed week ahead.

SSgt Samantha